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 Faculty Support - Teaching Online

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Online Faculty: Prepare for Accreditation with RSI Review

If you would like to get your online course in the queue for review, please fill out the Intake Survey

​Review the ACCJC Pilot quality continuum Rubric here. 

​​​Online and hybrid courses at COS will be reviewed by the ACCJC as part of our upcoming accreditation process. That review will include an expectation that we are engaging in Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) with our students in our online and hybrid courses. Simply put, we must make it apparent to the accreditation team that even in fully-online and asynchronous modalities, we have frequent and meaningful content-centered interaction with our students!

A team of your peers has been trained in RSI standards and creative ways to incorporate them across disciplines. Our goal is to review just ONE online course from every faculty member who teaches online or hybrid-format classes for COS. You can select a course from any semester, Fall 2022 to present, and can even communicate a preference for a specific reviewer from the team or one from another division. You can also elect to meet with your RSI peer reviewer to talk about your course, and submit a timesheet for up to an hour of time (PT faculty) or an hour of FLEX credit (FT faculty). 

Online Teaching Certification​

The fall 2024 otcp will run from monday, september 9 - Friday, october 4.  

The course is currently underway. stayed tuned for future offerings. 

The COS OTC runs 3x annually (FA-SP-SU),​ and exists to prepare instructors to meet the minimum qualification requirements for online teaching at COS.  The OTCP covers regulations and pedagogical approaches related to online teaching. Developed under the direction of the Academic Senate sub-committee Distance Education at COS (DECOS), the OTCP is regularly revised to reflect federal guidelines like those in Title 5 as well as emerging online teaching standards developed by the Online Education Initiative (OEI). To see a full list of online-certified faculty, visit the Human Resources: Employee Resources webpage and select Faculty Seniority Lists​​​.​​​ 

Open Educational Resources (OER)​ Support

Learn more about OER and browse the OER library collections.

view the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges' OER Initiative webinar schedule here​​

Open Educational Resources (OER) are educational materials and resources offered freely and openly via the Internet for anyone to use. OER can be remixed, revised, reused, retained, and redistributed (known as the 5 R's)​. ​COS has a goal of creating as many zero-cost degree pathways as possible for our students, and every course that adopts zero-cost or low-cost materials is a step toward equitable and accessible higher education for all. 

Artificial Intelligence Resources

View the COS Artificial Intelligence Resource Kit​

​​​​​​With the rapid advance of AI into higher education settings, educators must take part in thoughtful discussions about AI's impact on teaching and learning, curriculum and assessment, and the skills students will need to have upon graduation to contribute to a technologically proficient workforce. The Office of Distance Education has curated a Resource Kit of articles, tools, videos, and more to help faculty orient within this new frontier. 

​DE Coordinator Office Hours ​(open to all Faculty)

Visit virtual office hours for questions and support related to COS DE policy, course design, pedagogy, best practices, and more. 


Time ​Phone ​Zoom Office
​3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

​(559) 730-3981

There will be no office hours on the following dates due to scheduling conflicts:

M 9/23, TH 9/26, M 10/7, TH 10/11, M 11/4
​11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Need a different time? Email Elise Baker (​to arrange an appointment. ​​​​

​2024 Works​​hops ​(open to all Faculty)​​

Trainings and workshops for those currently teaching online, or interested in online instruction and Canvas tools. Always FLEX-approved.

Workshop Title

Date and Time
​Self-Review for RSI

​Thursday, 8/27/24
3:00-4:00 PM

Wednesday, 9/25/24
2:00-3:00 PM

Tuesday, 10/15/24
10:00-11:00 AM

Monday, 11/4/24
11:00-12:00 PM

This is the same workshop offered on multiple dates, not a multi-part workshop. 

​Elise Baker,
Distance Education Coordinator
Fall 2024 courses will be evaluated for Regular and Substantive Interaction. The ACCJC knows what they're looking for, but so do we! - so you can check your own work in advance! If you are interested in getting your fully-online course accreditation-ready, attend this workshop.

We will go over the “why" of RSI, what it means, and specific suggestions for implementing it visibly and impactfully in your online courses. You will leave the session with a copy of the rubric to conduct your own RSI Review for self-assessment and improvement. 
Where Choices Meet Mandates: The Boundary Between Academic Freedom and DE Regulations*

​Thursday, 9/5/24
10:00 AM

Elise Baker,
Distance Education Coordinator


Erin Heasley
Distance Education Coordinator/
Instructional Designer
Madera Community College
Online teaching requires a delicate balance of following laws, using tried-and-tested practices, and also prioritizing your individual academic voice and freedom. We will explore all three and how they work together to create an exceptional (and legally compliant) learning experience for distance education students.

*This workshop is an encore of a very well-received 2024 Online Teaching Conference presentation, and will bring faculty from both College of the Sequoias and Madera Community College together in one virtual meeting space to discuss how we navigate what we want to do and what we have to do to teach online.

AI & U: Finding Your Approach to AI Use, Detection, and Policy

Wednesday, 10/16/24
11:10 AM - 12:30 PM

Elise Baker,
Distance Education Coordinator


Katie Beberian
English Faculty

Discuss AI's growing presence in higher ed, how to use and teach with it if you so choose, how to ethically detect and address student use, and how write syllabus policies that clearly communicate your expectations about AI to your students.

This workshop is back by popular demand following the Fall Convocation week workshop of the same name. 


California Virtual Campus Online Education Initiative (CVC-OEI) 2024 Webinars

CVC@ONE provides high-quality professional development, inclusive instructional resources, and a supportive network in service of staff, faculty, and administrators in the California Community College system. 

​2024 workshops focus on artificial intelligence. click the link above to access the schedule, and look for registration reminders in your monthly "DE professional development round-up" emails from the distance education coordinator. ​


Asynchronous​ Trainings, Workshops, and Webinars

Training Title
​Link to learn
​Review for RSI Workshop
Watch the training HERE
​A recording of the live Zoom training held 9/25/24 for COS faculty. Content includes RSI overview, distinction between law and academic freedom, and a guide for how the ACCJC will determine whether or not RSI is occuring in online courses. 

​Canvas "New Quizzes" Webinar for Newbies
Watch the training HERE
​Canvas has introduced a new tool for giving quizzes and exams. It has more features, more question types, and is generally seen to be an improvement in function and interface​ on the prior version. ​
Canvas Training Portal: "​New Quizzes" Essentials 
Enroll HERE
​New Quizzes is an enhanced quizzing tool available inside of Canvas. The tool offers a variety of interactive question types to promote engagement in your assessments. This course explores New Quizzes including the creation process, moderation and grading options, item bank management, as well as how to import and migrate existing quiz content.​​
​​PlayPosit Interactive Video Training
Watch the training HERE

Overview and training on a cool new Canvas tech integration PlayPosit from the developer, play with the tool from the student perspective, build an interactive video you can use immediately, Q&A with the developer, plus resources. 

   Introductory Session Blurb and Objectives.pdf
Make Your Course Beautiful (and more effective) with HTML Basics
​Watch the webinar HERE
​We don’t pay attention to boring things, and after a while Canvas can get a bit boring. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to add visual elements like borders, horizontal lines, callout boxes, and responsive banners, even how to make text wrap around an image to your Canvas course. With just a little HTML know-how, it’s easier than you may think to create an engaging, visually-stimulating and organized online course. 

​Designing Inclusive and Accessible OER Courses: Focus on Equity, Diversity, and UDL 

Watch the webinar HERE
​Explore the powerful combination of Open Educational Resources (OER) and inclusive pedagogical practices, with an emphasis on promoting equity, embracing diversity, and implementing Universal Design for Learning. Experts guide you through best practices, practical strategies, and valuable resources to ensure your OER course materials are accessible, engaging, and meaningful for all learners.

​​​Death to "Dry" Discussion Boards

Watch the training 
Students and teachers alike dread the "Make an initial post and reply to two of your peers' posts..." discussion board prompt. But we have to do it, because it's the peer-to-peer piece of RSI, right? This session will offer some ideas on making discussion boards less tedious, more interactive, accessible, and fun for both grader and student. 

Dry Discussion Boards Doc.pdf

New Faculty Onboarding Resources

​Created by Instructional Council, this Canvas-hosted Resource Guide gives new faculty useful information ​on navigating systems at COS and finding comfort and success.  

​Additional Resources

