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College of the Sequoias Career Services offers a multitude of services to help grow your talent. Connect with us today.
AE Form Web Part
First Name:
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Last Name:
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Phone Number:
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please enter a valid phone number
Email Address:
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please enter a valid e-mail address
Confirm Email:
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What is your industry?:
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Industrial Trades
Your Job Title:
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How can COS partner or help with you?:
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Post a full-time position
Post a part-time position
Post/offer an internship
Post/offer an apprenticeship
Offer work experience
Advertise your recruitment events to students
Conduct on-campus interviews
Request resumes from students seeking employment
Be a guest speaker to promote your industry
Host a tour of your facilities
Join us for events or informal interviews
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the following message before continuing to the Noncredit application! If you complete this
noncredit application
will not
be able to register for a credit course.
Noncredit classes are NOT degree applicable, CSU/UC transferable, or credit certificate applicable.
If you want to be able to take credit classes, please go to the
credit application here
Noncredit applications serve our English as a Second Language (ESL) community among other specialized noncredit certificates. Upon completion of your noncredit course(s) a certificate is awarded.
Click here to continue to the Noncredit Application