There are also Counselors located in other departments on campus that may be able to help answer your questions:
Access & Ability Center: | 559-730-3805 | Allied Health: | 559-737-6135 | Athletics: | 559-730-3911 | CalWorks: | 559-730-3990 | Dream Center: | 559-737-4853 | EOPS: | 559-730-3818 | Foster & Kinship Care: | 559-737-4842 | NextUp: | 559-730-3818 | Puente: | 559-737-4850 | Student Success Center: | 559-737-4853 | Transfer & Career Center: | 559-737-6110 | TRIO: | 559-737-5400 | Veterans Resource Center: | 559-730-3854