Giant Days
What: Giant Days Orientation is a student only welcome event offered to first-time college students who are recent high school graduates. Through this event students will have the opportunity to go on a campus tour, learn how to navigate the MyGiant portal, meet other new students, get your student ID card, and so much more!
When/Where: Giant Days will be offered July 30- August 1, 2024. You only need to attend one of the sessions listed below:
July 30th - Tulare Campus @8:30am
July 31st - Hanford Campus @8:30am
August 1st - Visalia Campus (Session 1- Morning) @8:30am
August 1st - Visalia Campus (Session 2- Afternoon) @1pm
To RSVP- Only RSVP-ed students are guaranteed a Welcome Gift and a spot to attend their 2024 Giant Days. Students will receive check-in instructions the week of via their email! Visalia Campus Giant Days will be split into two Sessions. Make sure to RSVP for ONLY ONE.
To RSVP for
Visalia Campus Session 1 (Morning)
Click Here.To RSVP for
Visalia Campus Session 2 (Afternoon)
Click Here.
Questions? Contact us!
Tulare Campus Student Services Center: 559-688-3000 or tulare@cos.edu
Hanford Campus The Hub: 559-583-2500 or hanford@cos.edu
Visalia Campus Welcome Center: 559-730-3730 or welcomecenter@cos.edu
We look forward to being a part of your Giant journey at College of the Sequoias!