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 Faculty Resources

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​Online AAC Faculty Handbook

The AAC is a resource for students as well as our campus and community. Our existence is rooted in the legal mandates that require educational programs and services be accessible to students with qualifying physical, psychological and sensory conditions.

We obtain professional documentation of qualifying conditions from the students we serve, and assist them in obtaining appropriate academic adjustments. Such adjustments are designed to provide equal access to our programs and services (and not an unfair advantage over other students.)

Students who do not have any documentation of a qualifying condition may elect to undergo a learning assessment to determine eligibility for our services.

While many qualified students will request our support, they are not required to utilize AAC – yet we are still obligated to provide requested accommodations for qualified students. Those students who do not wish to use the AAC, but are requesting accommodation, should be referred to John Bratsch in Human Resources.

The following sections below​​ provide the most commonly requested information regarding the students we serve.

For additional information about conditions we serve, you may wish to view our online modules, available for FLEX credit.  Simply email the main office at; staff there can connect you with the faculty member who is coordinating with FEC. You may also wish to peruse these 10 Things Faculty Should Know.  Thank you for your interest in providing equitable educational opportunities to our students!


 Faculty Resources from the AAC

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​You are the instructor, and you are free to design the class and methods of instruction as you see fit to best meet the needs of your students and learning​ objectives of your course. The Access & Ability Center at the College of the Sequoias appreciates the opportunity to collaborate with you to serve students with unique barriers to learning stemming from various conditions​​​. Here are some tools and resources we hope may prove beneficial to you as a faculty member when working with such students​.

Want to meet with us for a one-on-one consultation? Please contact our office - we are always willing to advocate for and brainstorm with faculty members in the shared goal of supporting our COS students.

See the information below for some quick assistance. We rec​ommend starting here, especially for instructors new to COS or for faculty members wanting to learn more about disability laws ​​and conditions we serve. For an alternate format of these resources below, please access the ​AAC Faculty Handbook (PDF)​, or view our Online Faculty Handbook below.

 Accessibility & Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Accessibility refers to allowing all students equal access to learning material. Making something accessible means the material or product can be used by anyone, including persons with visual, auditory, mobility, and/or cognitive impairments.

Universal Design for Learning includes, but also goes far beyond, accessibility. While accessibility has to do with equal access​, UDL as an educational framework seeks to improve and maximize teaching and learning for everyone.

It is the instructor's responsibility to provide fully-accessible materials. All students must have the same access to the course materials and content.

For step-by-step instructions on creating accessible documents, adding closed captions to videos, and other instructional/accessibility resources, ​please go to our Accessibility and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) page for more information and helpful links.