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 Library Instruction Request Form

 Content Editor

To schedule a customized library instruction session for your classes ​complete the form below.
See the Library Instruction Services menu​ for examples of instruction topics and allow two weeks for preparation.​
A librarian will contact you to confirm the details of your session. Librarians are also available to visit your classroom by request.​​​​​​​​

 AE Form Web Part

Select a date from the calendar.
Select a date from the calendar.
See the Library Instruction Services form for suggested time-frames
(e.g., LRC 203, TULE 23)

Please upload your students’ assignment/prompt:   
Optional 2nd File:   
Optional 3rd File:   

Librarians will be evaluating instructional effectiveness using a survey given at the end of class. If you have questions about the survey, please talk to the librarian.
