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 Ch 2-Board of Trustees

 BP 2010 - Board Membership2010BPBoard Membership4/10/2023
 BP 2015 - Student Member2015BPStudent Member4/10/2023
 BP 2100 - Board Elections2100BPBoard Elections4/10/2023
 AP 2105 - Election of Student Member2105APElection of Student Member4/10/2023
 AP 2110 - Vacancies on the Board2110APVacancies on the Board4/10/2023
 BP 2110 - Vacancies on the Board2110BPVacancies on the Board4/10/2023
 BP 2200 - Board Duties and Responsibilities2200BPBoard Duties/Responsibilities4/10/2023
 BP 2210 - Officers2210BPOfficers4/10/2023
 BP 2220 - Committees of the Board2220BPCommittees of the Board4/10/2023
 BP 2305 - Annual Organizational Meeting2305BPAnnual Organizational Meeting4/10/2023
 BP 2310 - Regular Meetings of the Board2310BPRegular Meetings of the Board5/8/2023
 BP 2315 - Closed Sessions2315BPClosed Sessions5/8/2023
 AP 2320 - Special and Emergency Meetings2320AP Special and Emergency Meetings3/30/2023
 BP 2320 - Special and Emergency Meetings2320BPSpecial and Emergency Meetings5/8/2023
 BP 2330 - Quorum and Voting2330BPQuorum and Voting5/8/2023
 AP 2340 - Agendas2340APAgendas3/30/2023
 BP 2340 - Agendas2340BPAgendas5/8/2023
 BP 2345 - Public Participation at Board Meetings2345BPPublic Participation at Board Meetings11/13/2023
 BP 2350 - Speakers2350BPSpeakers5/8/2023
 BP 2355 - Decorum2355BPDecorum5/8/2023
 AP 2360 - Minutes2360AP Minutes6/12/2023
 BP 2360 - Minutes2360BPMinutes6/12/2023
 AP 2365 - Recording2365AP 6/12/2023
 BP 2365 - Recording2365BPRecording6/12/2023
 AP 2410 - Policy and Administrative Procedures2410APPolicy and Administrative Procedures12/12/2022
 BP 2410 - Policy and Administrative Procedures2410BPBoard Policy and Administrative Procedures12/12/2022
 AP 2430 - Delegation of Authority2430AP Delegation of Authority6/12/2023
 BP 2430 - Delegation of Authority to Superintendent2430BPDelegation of Authority to Superintendent6/12/2023
 AP 2431 - Superintendent-President Selection2431APSuperintendent/President Selection6/12/2023
 BP 2431 - Superintendent-President Selection2431BPSuperintendent/President Selection6/12/2023
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