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General Education Committee

 Content Editor ‭[2]‬

​The COS General Education Committee​ is a sub-committee of the Curriculum Committee. It's purpose is to draft and maintain the District’s general education policy and plans, as well as assist in developing general education assessments.​

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 AE Filter Web Part

Selected Academic Year: 

General Ed Resources

Course Proposal Cover Page.docx
GE course currency and outcomes policy.doc
GE Framework Revision Cycle.docx
GE Framework--Approved.doc
GE Outcomes (GELOs).docx
GE Philosophy.pdf
General Education – Proposed Course Rubric FINAL.docx
Proposal for new GE course.docx
Satisfactory Grade for GE policy.doc


Documents of Selected Meeting

collapse Academic Year : 2024-2025 ‎(3)
collapse Meeting : 9/27/2024 ‎(3)
 DRAFT COS General Education Framework 9.27.24.pdf
 GE Agenda - September 27 2024.pdf
 GE Committee Minutes - 08.23.24 - DRAFT.docx

 Content Editor ‭[1]‬

Committee Members​
