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 Giants Baseball - All Time Roster, Team History, and MLB Players

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Scroll down for the searchable records ​of the COS baseball rich history that we proudly display for you to review.  You can select a menu tab below to see current and past teams player records.​​​​​​​​  You can also FILTER the outcome anyway you wish on many of the reports below.  Just hover your mouse over the column name and select the drop down arrow.  You can then choose to sort or select a specific item you are looking for.  The choice below “Filter/Search Player Last Name” allows you to search the All Time Roster list by last name or you can use the “Filter/Search Year” option to display an entire roster for the year of your choice. 

Last Name Search

Filter/Search Player Last Name: 

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Year Dropdown

Filter/Search Year: 

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​Team History

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​MLB Players​

